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Wie beeinflussen urbane Wälder das Stadtklima und das Wohlbefinden des Menschen? Wie wirkt sich die Lebensraumzerschneidung auf die Artenvielfalt aus, wie viel Zeit benötigt ein Ökosystem, um für anspruchsvolle Arten attraktiv zu sein? Was zeichnet eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung aus? Auf diese und weitere Fragen versuchen wir gemeinsam mit Studentinnen und Studenten Antworten zu finden.

„Does background traffic noise disturbance affect woodpecker abundance?“

– A case study from the Ville Forest (Brühl, Germany)
(Internship-Report January - March 2016)
Richard McCulloch

Studies have shown that the acoustic signals used by birds are increasingly masked by traffic noise. Masking of signals important to territory defence and mate attraction may have a negative impact on reproductive success, and may ultimately exclude species from suitable breeding habitat. This study looks at the impact which traffic noise has on Woodpecker abundance by analyzing how the number of nesting cavities differ between areas subject to different levels of disturbance, based on the assumption that the greater the number of observable cavities, the greater the abundance of Woodpeckers within that particular area.

Perceived Forest Values, Conservation Attitudes and User Conflicts in Urban Forests

– A Survey conducted in Bruehl in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
(Internship-Report October - December 2013)
Rachel McDermott, Sara Becerra and Ekaterina Parfenova

Urban forests are associated with various functions. In this study the variety of functions are described as values which have been classified into three categories: individual use, community good and ecoservices. The Ville Forest near Bruehl, North Rhine-Westphalia was chosen to examine human attitude towards urban forests. A questionnaire was developed to determine which of these values offered by urban forests were perceived by forest visitors and the local public. In addition to determining perceived values, the survey included questions about user conflicts in the forest and attitudes on conservation.

Gastropod abundance and species richness in old-growth and reclaimed forests of the Ville Ridge (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)

(Internship Report - March/April 2013)
Larissa Kerstin Schultze

Six forest areas in the Ville (Bruehl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) belonging to the old forest, the old and the younger recultivation parcels were analyzed in this study regarding gastropod species richness and abundance. It is hypothesized that the reclaimed forests have not yet attained original conditions, lacking for example stenoecious forest species, but that the gastropod assemblages from old reclamations slowly approach that of the old-growth sites.

Praktikumsbericht: Libellenkartierung am Stiefelweiher (Brühl-Badorf)

Vera Lisa Hecht (06.07.2009-14.08.2009)
Betreuung: PD Dr. Thomas Ziegler
Dr. Doris Linzmeier & Jan Philipp Herrmann

Im Rahmen eines 6-wöchigen Praktikums (06.07.-14.08.2009) wurde in einem Waldgebiet westlich von Brühl-Badorf ein biologisches Praktikum absolviert. Die Hauptaufgabe bestand in der Erfassung und Kartierung der dort vorkommenden Libellenarten, wobei sich die Kartierung auf eines der Gewässer (Stiefelweiher) im Untersuchungsgebiet beschränkte. Des Weiteren sollten die Schmetterlingsarten in einem kürzlich entstandenen Fichtenwindbruch des Untersuchungsgebiets bestimmt sowie dessen Bedeutung für die dortige Herpetofauna überprüft werden.

Copyright © 2024 Initiative 50TausendBäume – Dr. rer. nat. Doris M. Linzmeier

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